June 2024 we split out Europe trip in half. 3.5 Days in Paris, France and then 3 days in Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin felt so much like home. It reminded me so much of Nova Scotia when we travelled there for our honeymoon. The main difference is it rains...a lot. We actually lucked out with decent weather the majority of the time we were there. After talking to locals I had no idea it rains literally 70% of the time in Dublin.

We visited the cliffs of Moher and Galway. They are literally like scenes from a movie or something only described in a book.

What I would give to go back to Dublin, I think for sure we will be back.

Two people walk along a winding fenced path through green rolling hills near the coast on a cloudy day.
dublin ireland
Red and orange rescue boat docked in harbor with sailboats and marina in background during sunset.
dublin ireland
A curious seal swimming in turquoise waters, its sleek body visible beneath the rippling surface.
Yellow wildflowers and tall grass sway in the breeze against a cloudy sky, viewed from ground level.
the cliffs of moher
the cliffs of moher
Dramatic coastal cliffs rise above the turquoise waters at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland on a misty day.
Turquoise waves crash against rocky cliffs along a rugged coastline with green vegetation above.
Tourist poses along the curved white wall of Cliffs of Moher viewing tower on an overcast day in Ireland.
Person in sunglasses and athletic wear sits on grassy cliffside overlooking scenic coastal landscape in Ireland.

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